Monday, February 1, 2016

Texture Landscape

This was a long process of downloading brushes, re downloading brushes, and using said brushes. such brush, much texture..

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Its that time of year again... Midterms! and this is my graphic arts midterm for 2016.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Elements characters

So, while this is indeed FAR from my original plan, its still something, and that's what matters. Each character i drew by hand, scanned into the computer, outlined in illustrator, and colored in photoshop. Each one is based on an elements properties, forms, or uses in the world.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Low poly solar system

So this is what I've been working on since... whatever the last project was ( i cant remember ) and i'm sooooooo happy with how it came out. all of it was made in illustrator, and it was a long, painstaking process that was made easier thanks to dubstep, but that's besides the point. if you have trouble reading the minuscule text, its all just some sciency mumbo jumbo that goes with to the planet its under cause its a solar system.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Anatomy Of Type

Anatomy of type project, what else is there to say, like... typography, that's all it is.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

BHS logo (finished copy)

Finally, after much tweaking and getting frustrated with the face, my variation of the BHS logo is complete! And you can see how far hes come from by comparing him to the BHS logo unfinished copy. (and i need to make more logos, cause this was fun :) )