Monday, December 15, 2014

sheet of notes

this was the full sheet of notes i digitally illustrated, but i only used the treble clef in the final project.

silver french horn

french horn used in the final project

electric violin

electric violin used in the final project

electric cello

electric cello used in  the final project

silver tuba

tuba used in the electro-symphonic orchestra final 

New world electro-symphonic orchestra final project

for the past couple of days in graphic arts, we have been digitally illustrating...stuff. you could choose whatever you wanted, pull it off the internet into adobe illustrator, the draw over it using the pen tool. at first i couldn't decide on what i wanted to do, until someone started talking about music and i decided, lets do instruments! on the far left there is  a tuba, then an electric violin, then an electric cello, then a french horn. the stage, treble clef, instruments and curtains were all made in illustrator then i pulled them all together in photoshop and then ta-da, i have this.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

self cartoon

this is a cartoon of myself i made for graphic arts. i drew the original image by hand, scanned it into the computer, used the pen tool in adobe illustrator to redraw the photo over the hand draw one, then used photoshop to color and whatnot.

nuf' said... i'm a cartoon. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween card cover

This is a cover i drew for a Halloween greeting card. it is supposed to be the headless horseman minus the horse. anyway happy Halloween :) 

p.s this was colored using photoshop, Yay photoshop!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

graphic tattoo project

graphic arts tattoo project...
all im going too say...
not really. this is the graphic arts tattoo project that i created using photoshop. i put the tattoos on the person using the multiply blend mode, and all the stuff in the background i put in using photoshops many tools. favorite parts of the project were drawing the tattoos and putting in all the background stuff. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Self portriat

this is the self portriat created in photoshop using things i pulled off the internet. during this project i learned how to use the perspective tool as well as the layer mask. all in all this was a fun project.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Deadmau5 color project

This is the final copy of the  overlay/coloration project (I have like, ten copies total).during this project i learned how to uese the blend tool on photoshop, and to be careful with your layers.

this is what happens when you are not careful with your layers(this isnt the one for the grade:), just an example and it looked cool)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

smiley man

this is my crazy smiley face cyborg man i created using photoshop. i use the selection tool and pulled images of the internet. he was annoying to make. hehehe 

letter project

This is my first photoshop project at my new school. The design was created during an enrichment block on ya... cool huh :)