Monday, December 14, 2015

Low poly solar system

So this is what I've been working on since... whatever the last project was ( i cant remember ) and i'm sooooooo happy with how it came out. all of it was made in illustrator, and it was a long, painstaking process that was made easier thanks to dubstep, but that's besides the point. if you have trouble reading the minuscule text, its all just some sciency mumbo jumbo that goes with to the planet its under cause its a solar system.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Anatomy Of Type

Anatomy of type project, what else is there to say, like... typography, that's all it is.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

BHS logo (finished copy)

Finally, after much tweaking and getting frustrated with the face, my variation of the BHS logo is complete! And you can see how far hes come from by comparing him to the BHS logo unfinished copy. (and i need to make more logos, cause this was fun :) )

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Haunted Houses ( in September!!! )

Ok, so this one is actually my work.

first design  based project in the new school year graphics class, and all i can say is SO MUCH GRASS

Typography Rules

Ok... first of all, this isn't my work, so i do not take any credit for it (moving on)

This piece demonstrates good typography practice in two ways. ONE: its careful with the reverse type, it uses a white, simple font on a dark grey background, making it easy to read. TWO: Highlights, with the word psychotic, it darkens the PSYC and IC, making the white letters (which happen to spell out hot) stand out and catch the readers eye. and that is why this piece demonstrates good typography principles.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


So... New school year, new Graphical  opportunities, yay.  

Now i have to do this reflection thing first day of school, so here goes nothing...
looking back at last year i would have to say my absolute favorite piece i created had to be the Oblivion Dub magazine cover. it was a fun  project overall and looking back at it, had to be the one that i actually took TIME on and really wanted to bring out my best work yet. the project was closer to the end of the year so i had a lot more technical know how and a firmer grasp on design concepts and ideals. 

My strongest peice on the other hand had to be the Pops by the Sea contest entry. Even though i didn't win (sadly...) I felt like as a designer of basic thing-ama-jigers, this was my best yet because of its overall design, concept, and execution.

The assignment i struggled with had to be the Seoul city project, even though it was fun, i rushed through the building and more or less robbed myself of a better executed final project.

As a designer, i would like to improve my overall composition and work on my PATIENCE. last year i pretty much rushed through everything, wanting to be done before everyone else for no good reason, therefore not allowing me to put my best work forward.

So yes... i have reflected, huzzah for me.     

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Finals cartoon

Graphic arts finals, this is the character i made fo da finals, and in happy with the way he turned out

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Quote project

Almost le end of le year, last graphics project of the year, just choose a random quote and illustrated it, quick, simple and easy

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Seoul digital city

So close... schools almost out, and this is one of my last projects for this school year, its a digitally illustrated version of Seoul, south Korea, made in illustrator and photoshop

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Oblivion Dub magizine

So, any one like dubstep, or drumstep, or drum and bass, or... you get the point

Once again, a project for graphic arts, all made in photo shop with pictures i pulled from the internet. the hooded man is skism, and the little monster is feed me. oh...and bwahahaha i know how to make lazors!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lobstas (pops by the sea entry)

So i made a lobsta... seems legit. anyhow, this an entry for another contest called Pops By the Sea, as it says on the lobsta note...

Hopefully ill get lucky and win for once...

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

SIM C. menu

so lately, ive been working on a menu for a made up restaurant in the rainy city of Seattle (even though currently, i live in Mass... yay) i named the place Seattle institute of modern cuisine (or SIM C. for short. after this im printing it out and folding it in to an actual physical menu. 

made it ALL on illustrator, main thing i have to say is SO. MANY. WORDS...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

candy box sur elding 2D

lately in graphic art we have been making FAKE candy boxes as part of learning about package design and whatnot, this is my candy box. the candy is called Sur Elding, which is icelandic for sour lightning, cause is a sour candy... get it? anyway after we digitally illustrated it we printed it out and made a box in the real world. then we made a #D version on the computer


Monday, January 26, 2015

re-post of My logos

       well, this is literally just re posting the logos i made earlier in the year (or was it last year... i cant remember) anyhow... i just made a few modifications and turned the rainbow logo into a laser logo (bwa hahahahah lazorz!) and for some odd reason the original logo is the only one with subtitles. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

midterm hands on project

Yay midterms (not...) this is the hands no portion of the midterm for graphic arts, its very vivid (hahaha see what i did there?)