Tuesday, September 1, 2015


So... New school year, new Graphical  opportunities, yay.  

Now i have to do this reflection thing first day of school, so here goes nothing...
looking back at last year i would have to say my absolute favorite piece i created had to be the Oblivion Dub magazine cover. it was a fun  project overall and looking back at it, had to be the one that i actually took TIME on and really wanted to bring out my best work yet. the project was closer to the end of the year so i had a lot more technical know how and a firmer grasp on design concepts and ideals. 

My strongest peice on the other hand had to be the Pops by the Sea contest entry. Even though i didn't win (sadly...) I felt like as a designer of basic thing-ama-jigers, this was my best yet because of its overall design, concept, and execution.

The assignment i struggled with had to be the Seoul city project, even though it was fun, i rushed through the building and more or less robbed myself of a better executed final project.

As a designer, i would like to improve my overall composition and work on my PATIENCE. last year i pretty much rushed through everything, wanting to be done before everyone else for no good reason, therefore not allowing me to put my best work forward.

So yes... i have reflected, huzzah for me.     

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