Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Haunted Houses ( in September!!! )

Ok, so this one is actually my work.

first design  based project in the new school year graphics class, and all i can say is SO MUCH GRASS

Typography Rules

Ok... first of all, this isn't my work, so i do not take any credit for it (moving on)

This piece demonstrates good typography practice in two ways. ONE: its careful with the reverse type, it uses a white, simple font on a dark grey background, making it easy to read. TWO: Highlights, with the word psychotic, it darkens the PSYC and IC, making the white letters (which happen to spell out hot) stand out and catch the readers eye. and that is why this piece demonstrates good typography principles.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


So... New school year, new Graphical  opportunities, yay.  

Now i have to do this reflection thing first day of school, so here goes nothing...
looking back at last year i would have to say my absolute favorite piece i created had to be the Oblivion Dub magazine cover. it was a fun  project overall and looking back at it, had to be the one that i actually took TIME on and really wanted to bring out my best work yet. the project was closer to the end of the year so i had a lot more technical know how and a firmer grasp on design concepts and ideals. 

My strongest peice on the other hand had to be the Pops by the Sea contest entry. Even though i didn't win (sadly...) I felt like as a designer of basic thing-ama-jigers, this was my best yet because of its overall design, concept, and execution.

The assignment i struggled with had to be the Seoul city project, even though it was fun, i rushed through the building and more or less robbed myself of a better executed final project.

As a designer, i would like to improve my overall composition and work on my PATIENCE. last year i pretty much rushed through everything, wanting to be done before everyone else for no good reason, therefore not allowing me to put my best work forward.

So yes... i have reflected, huzzah for me.